ICT115: Composition & Communication in the Digital Age II

Undergraduate course, University of Kentucky, School of Information Science, 2023

Communication for the Information Age focuses on improving students’ oral, written, and visual communication skills so they can effectively form and translate technical information in ways that are easily understood by public audiences. In this course, students will both analyze and create materials designed to inform and persuade professionals in fields related to information communication technology. Students will also work individually and in groups to research, create, and present an argument focused on improving the communication of technical information. They will explore issues that align with their professional interests and produce products that use multiple methods (oral, written, or digital) to make an argument. A significant component of the class will involve learning to use visual and digital resources to enhance written and oral presentations. Prerequisite ICT 114, CIS 110/WRD 110, or equivalent.

Download the course syllabus here